What better way to spend your hard earned money than to play video games on the internet with a real-life woman? According to Kotaku, now you can! Launching tomorrow is the website interestingly named Game Crush.I admit, I'm a bit afraid. Regardless of what people think of this, I'm actually curious to see if it takes off.
No Virtual Console games this week, but Nintendo isn't skimping on the classics. Studio Pixel's classic indie adventure Cave Story sees its triumphant return as a remake for WiiWare, and three Game & Watch titles pop up on DSiWare.WiiWareCave Story (Nicalis, Inc., 1 player, 1200 Wii Points)DSiWareDrift Street International (Tantalus, 1-4 players, 800 DSi Points)Libera Wing (Pixel Federation, 1 player, 800 DSi Points)Game & Watch: Mario's Cement Factory (Nintendo, 1 player, 200 DSi Points)Game & Watch: Chef (Nintendo, 1 player, 200 DSi Points)Game & Watch: Judge (Nintendo, 1 player, 200 DSi Points)
Remember Alpha Protocol? You know, that Obsidian developed, SEGA published super spy Action-RPG? The one that has seemingly roasted in Development Hell for the past century? Obsidian, no stranger to delays, promised to put gamers in the shoes of CIA agent Michael Thorton, but, perhaps predictably, have gone quiet as of late. Well, the fine folks at Evil Avatar have your fix if you still want to learn to be a legend soccer hack and more. This is the part where I would crack some wise about Duke Nukem Forever, but I suppose I can't do that anymore. Lets just hope Agent Thorton doesn't end up like old Duke.
Have you ever wanted to see what it would be like to play as Sonic the Hedgehog in an original 3D revision of Green Hill Zone? Thanks to SEGA for creating the character models, available for download, and to Kiminski for creating such a famed level from the classic Sonic adventures, now you can on your PS3.
Summary of the talk:-Started with a discussion on what makes an RPG and how to make it more accessible
-Over 50% of the features were ignored by most players of Fable II
-Needs to be simple yet engaging
-Difficulty is less important than the experience had
-Want the player to feel powerful
-Touch element in the game controlled with the Right Trigger and the D-Pad
-"The Hero's Journey" is only the first half of the game, makes for a unique experience
-John Cleese will be your virtual butler, awesome
-Ruling the land you will still be your hero, so it doesn\'t turn into an RTS
-3D Map and pause screen, along with more visually rewarding level ups that occur in the 3D play area
-No comment on PC, Natal or Expressions
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